Monday, October 22, 2012

Another week down the road

Finding time to write on this blog is getting harder and harder. There is always something else to do.

But a quick review of the last week:

We have fought with the pharmacies some.
I was once said that North Korea, Cuba and Sweden were the only places where all pharmacies were run by the state as a monopoly. Well, we're not in that club anymore, but looking back I can say one thing - some things were better in the old days.
In short: Our babies need a special kind of formula (Swedish: bröstmjölksersättning), since they are premies. It is on prescription and needs a special approval by the Medical Products Agency (Swedish: licensförskrivning) before being sold.
Before the monopoly was removed this could be done once per doctor. Now each pharmacy needs to do it per patient. And the rules were changed less than a month ago, so in order to be able to buy the formula we made a number of calls to the hospital, made six seven visits to two different pharmacies (and phoned a third) and called the agency to have the rules explained so that we could explain them to the hospital and pharmacies... But we now finally have formula that will last us two or three weeks.

Elin, Oscar and Filip are now using pacifiers quite often. It's rather convenient when trying to get them to go back to sleep in the middle of the night. And, more often, when someone wants to eat more than can fit in their stomach, the bottle can be replaced with one...

We still have an appointment at the local care center every week, for weighing and measuring all three babies. This way we can keep track on that they eat and grow like they should, and we get a convenient opportunity to ask a nurse whatever questions we might have.

Thursday's visit at my work place was nice. Anna got to meet 50+ colleagues of mine (to her most new faces). I guess both my colleagues and we very much appreciated the visit.

We have some problems at home - to make room for all clothes, prams, strollers, car seats and so on. Anyone that have a portable storage room to lend us?! ;)

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